Faceit Stats
Faceit Level: 10
Faceit Elo: 2600
Steam Stats
Steam Level: 8
Steam Years : 6
CS2 Stats
Prime: Enabled
Badges: CS:GO Badge
Hours: 3000
VAC Ban: No
Community Ban: No
Trade Ban: No
What you get when you buy the account:
-Steam Username & Password
-Steam Mail
-Faceit username & Password
-Faceit Mail
Faceit Level: 10
Faceit Elo: 2600
Steam Stats
Steam Level: 8
Steam Years : 6
CS2 Stats
Prime: Enabled
Badges: CS:GO Badge
Hours: 3000
VAC Ban: No
Community Ban: No
Trade Ban: No
What you get when you buy the account:
-Steam Username & Password
-Steam Mail
-Faceit username & Password
-Faceit Mail